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All documents for Germany:
Keyword Reformation, the

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1511* Imperial Privilege for Arnolt Schlick Commentary: [1]
1513* Imperial privilege for Eucharius Rösslin Commentary: [1]
1525Luther's 'Admonition to the Printers'
1531* Basel Printers' Statute Commentary: [1]
1545* Luther's 'Warning to the Printers' Commentary: [1]
1660* Frankfurt Printers' Ordinance Commentary: [1]
1675* Counterfeited Privilege in Grimmelshausen's 'The Magic Bird's Nest' Commentary: [1]
1713Augsburg Printers' Ordinance
1785* Austrian Statutes on Censorship and Printing Commentary: [1]
1821* Hegel: Remarks on Intellectual Property Commentary: [1]